FlightStatus24 Blog

American Airlines apologizes for mistakenly offering voluntary leave to its pilots amidst the coronavirus

April 7th, 2020

One of the major carriers in the United States, American Airline, relay their apology to their pilots after mistakenly offering them thousands of voluntary leave options as part of the company’s plan and effort to lower and cut the costs to fight t ..

How to Survive 15 Hour Flight

February 21st, 2020

Rest, entertain, and let time pass quickly. These could be the three objectives of every traveler who is about to make a long-distance flight. The transoceanic trip can last from eight to 15 hours. Although, this year, the record was broken with the ..

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NTSB recommends a redesign of Boeing 737s engine covers following fatal 2018 Southwest Airlines flight

November 21st, 2019

It was on April 17, 2018, when Southwest Airlines’ flight 1380 misfortune occurred. It is due to the engine explosion which marks the first accident-related death on a U.S airline after almost a decade since the crash of the Colgan Air Flight ..

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This is the Scientific Reason Flying Makes You So Tired

October 29th, 2019

I believe there comes a time that you stepped off the plane feeling tired, groggy, or much worse, ready to practically drop on the floor and take a nap regardless if you’re still in the middle of the airport terminal. Jet lag is often consider ..

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Beijing Daxing International Airport Now Officially Open

September 27th, 2019

Photo by STR / AFP   The wait is finally over since the futuristic starfish-shaped new airport in Beijing was officially opened on September 25, 2019, wherein President Xi Jinping led the inauguration ceremonies. President Xi ..